Features of Cobra Guppies:
- Color Patterns: The cobra pattern can appear on various parts of the body, including the body, tail, and dorsal fin. The contrast between the base color and the dark markings makes these guppies particularly eye-catching.
- Tail Types: Cobra guppies can have different tail shapes, including fan, delta, or lyre tails.
- Size: Like most guppies, cobra guppies are relatively small, with males usually growing up to 2 inches and females slightly larger, around 2.5 inches.
Care and Maintenance:
- Tank Setup: Cobra guppies thrive in a well-planted aquarium with plenty of hiding spots and a stable environment. A tank size of at least 10 gallons is recommended for a small group.
- Water Parameters: They prefer a temperature range of 72-82°F, with a pH level of 6.8-7.8. Regular water changes and good filtration are important to keep the water clean and free from toxins.
- Diet: A balanced diet of high-quality flake or micro pellet food, supplemented with live or frozen foods like brine shrimp or bloodworms, will keep cobra guppies healthy and vibrant.
Tank Mates of Cobra Guppies:
Stick to peace-loving fishes as their tank mates. Also, add more female cobra guppies as males enjoy matting.
Here are a few tank mates for Cobra guppies.
- Molly Fish
- Platy Fish
- Tetras
- Bristlenose Plecos
Cobra Guppy colors and varieties:
Yellow Cobra Guppy
The yellow cobra guppy is a brightly colored guppy fish that features a combination of yellow and black stripes on its body. This guppy is named after the venomous snake species Cobra, due to the resemblance of its bold stripes to those of a snake.
White Cobra Guppies
This white cobra guppy fish has a snow-white body with distinctive black stripes that resemble the design of a cobra snake. The tail of the white cobra guppy is long and flowing, which adds to their elegant appearance.
Black Cobra Guppy
The black cobra guppy has a distinctive black body with white or silver snakeskin-like markings. Male black cobra guppies also have long, flowing tails that add to their beauty.
Yellow King Cobra Guppy
The yellow king cobra guppy is a beautiful guppy fish with yellow and black stripes resembling the pattern of a king cobra. They are a popular choice for aquarium enthusiasts due to their bold coloration and active nature.
Red Tail Cobra Guppy
The red-tail cobra guppy is a captivating aquarium fish. It has a red coloration with a large red tail. This strain of guppy is highly sought after due to its striking appearance and active swimming behavior
Yellow Double Sword-Tail Cobra Guppy
The yellow double swordtail cobra guppy is a beautiful and unique guppy fish. Its body displays a beautiful gold lace pattern, while its tail resembles that of a double sword.
Red Cobra Guppy
The Red Cobra Guppy is a popular guppy fish among aquarium hobbyists. This variety of guppy has a striking bright red color that covers most of the body with elongated fins and resembles the shape of a cobra’s hood. These fish are peaceful and easy to care for. They are also known for their prolific breeding, which makes them a favorite of breeders.
Blue Tail Cobra Guppy
The Blue Tail Cobra Guppy is a beautiful Guppy fish that has a bright and large blue tail that stands out against its blue snake-skinned body. This guppy is relatively easy to care for and makes a great addition to any aquarium.
Blue Cobra Guppy
The Blue Cobra Guppy is a popular Guppy fish, with bright blue hues and intricate markings on the large tail resembling that of a cobra snake. These fish are a popular choice among guppy enthusiasts due to their active and playful personalities, and ability to thrive in a variety of water conditions.
Green Cobra Guppy
The Green Cobra Guppy is a beautiful guppy that can add color and vibrancy to any aquarium. These guppies have distinctive green markings that resemble the pattern of a cobra snake. They are small, peaceful fish that can be kept in groups and thrive in planted aquariums. The males are more colorful than the females and have longer tails.
Female Cobra Guppy
The Female Cobra Guppy, scientifically known as Poecilia reticulata, is a favorite among guppy enthusiasts due to its hardy nature. The Female Yellow Cobra Guppy displays a semi-transparent yellow color on its body and fins. They have a solid and large tail with yellow and black stripes resembling the pattern of a cobra.
They mature very quickly and can breed every 30 days. They can deliver between 10 to 40 fries in a batch. Similar to other Fancy female Guppies, the Female Cobra Guppy does best in an established aquarium of at least 8 to 10 gallons. Though they are tolerant and hardy, care should be taken to maintain stable water parameters.
They love the presence of plants in the aquarium and hiding spaces which provide shelter to their fries once they breed.